Tag Archives: Google

Today’s Specials – Sales 2.0 – Wednesday, January 19, 2011

We’re singing “Happy Birthday” in The Sales Cafe today! (But certainly not the version written by the famous Hill Sisters.) It’s the birthday of many famous (and infamous) people today and we’re always looking for a reason for a party and a piece of cake around here.

Amidst all the mayhem, we are looking to get some work accomplished. It’s a tough job, but somebody’s got to do it. In addition to the birthdays, we’re worried about Steve Jobs–Apple will live on, but who’s thinking about Steve and his health?

And what about you? Who’s thinking about you? You might be surprised…

Image representing Google as depicted in Crunc...

Image via CrunchBase

1. Google Yourself. That’s right, do it now. Type your name in the Google (or Yahoo! or Bing) search box and see what happens. Let’s hope you see only happy surprises.

2. What the heck is Sales 2.0 & Why should I care? Leave it to the Hubspot folks to get the guy who coined the term “Sales 2.0” to guest write a blog post about it that has some background and depth–instead of just the typical “it’s good for you, do it or hire me to do it for you” posts we so often find on the Web. (So, yes, you can hire Hubspot, but the piece also validates our brainchild “A Marketer in a Sales World.” We’re saving that for another day.)

3. 3 Qualities a Sales Rep MUST HAVE. Do you have what it takes, well, according to Geoffrey James, the sales guru over at BNET? To us, those are the three qualities just about anyone should aspire to have, no matter what their job title is.