Tag Archives: time management

Today’s Specials – Time and Sales – Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Here at The Sales Cafe, we’re feeling the pressure of time. Why do we run out of time now, when we know year-end comes up annually? It should be no surprise, but we are often caught in the search for the perfect gloves, only to find them sold out in the right size the week before the biggest gift-giving day of the year.

Today’s Specials offer a glimpse into better time management, specifically when it comes to sales.

1. Time Management Checklist. The folks at Just Sell always offer some great sales advice. This link doesn’t disappoint, especially with tips to organize your day into productive time periods and create the ultimate To Do list.

2. Time Management for Sales Pros. The idea to track points for sales activities accomplished outlined in this article from Entrepreneur is perfect for holding yourself accountable and getting the job done.

3. Time Management Tips. Sales Management guru Ken Thoreson offers this list of tips to better manage your day and your life. We especially love the part about being greedy about your time (how much are you really worth?).

4. Let’s Make Room. Here, professional organizing guru Lis Golden McKinley, muses on how to better organize our lives–at work and at home–to be more productive. That’s really the goal of time management, isn’t it?

In the end, we think the best time management mantra comes not from the realm of sales, but from Nike:  Just do it.


Oops, we nearly forgot to include a holiday favorite video. Here’s one of our favorite songs with it’s very own light show.