Tag Archives: Zombies

Today’s Specials – Friday, October 29, 2010

A list of sales and marketing linksTGIF is all we can say this week. It was wildly busy and, honestly, we like it that way. But it’s also nice to get a break and that’s what weekends are for. Here’s the list for today. Enjoy and then take cover for the big Halloween weekend.

1. Capitalizing on Complexity 2010. We downloaded the interactive version of the IBM study summarizing the 1500 face-to-face interviews with CEOs from around the world, just because it makes a really dry, but very interesting, paper kind of fun to read. What’s the biggest concern for all these C-level wiseguys? The complexity of operating in an increasingly volatile and uncertain world is their primary challenge.

2. Apple cuts community from its list. As Footnoted.com shows us on a regular basis, you can glean so much information by reading a company’s financial documents. This was a subtle change for Apple, but it really does make a statement.

3. Building Cultural Competency. Our friend, Carl Eidson, over at Wilson Learning, has a great deal to say about team building across multiple cultures and geographies.

4. Idea Zombies. In honor of tZombiehe holiday, we couldn’t resist sharing this link, in which sales guru Lori Richardson poses the ultimate business question: “Do you have idea zombies in your business?” It’s an idea cultivated by Danielle Brigida of the National Wildlife Federation.

And now, it’s late on Friday. So, in the words of the fabulous Tracey Ullman: “Go home!”