Tag Archives: Pranks

Today’s Special – Friday, April 1, 2011

A list of sales and marketing linksNo foolishness at The Sales Cafe today. We’ve got far too much reality to spend time creating silly pranks. A little too crankypants for you? Just working through our email offered enough hijinks for one day, even if it’s only one day a year. If you enjoy tomfoolery, the New York Times’ David Pogue serves up the best of the Web for the day.


Here in The Sales Cafe, well, we’ve got a lot of work to do, like getting the new and improved site launched (really, that’s not a joke) and providing you with a short list of hot links (no jokes included):

1. Transform Your Salesforce from Inside-Out to Outside-In. Does your company operate Inside-Out or Outside-In? Do you even know what that means? Well, here’s a white paper from ELA Consulting Group that has all, well, many of, the answers.

2. Why Sales is Still Missing from Social CRM. Selling Outside-In requires a lot of communication with your customers. Makes sense that social media would be a great way for sales people to connect with current clients and prospects, right? Not yet, it seems. This article spells out why.

3. Why modern sales practices are illogical. Sales expert Sharon Drew Morgen gets right to the heart of the matter in this blog post:  If our sales practices achieve a less than 10% close rate, why are we still doing them? Morgen’s Buying Facilitation ™ offers a better solution.

That’s it for now. We are really hard at work creating a new site, with lots of features and interesting content. We’ll ask you to visit there soon.